Your results confirmed that, for increasing modifier concentration:
- kcat decreases as hyperbola
- 1/kcat increases as hyperbola
- Km decreases as hyperbola
For the final discrimination we exploit the dependence of kcat/Km on [X]. Choose one of the following three possibilities.
kcat/Km is independent of modifier concentration
The sought mechanism is:
Hyperbolic catalytic inhibition, HCaI
Examples of HCaI
kcat/Km decreases as hyperbola
The sought mechanism is:
Hyperbolic mixed, predominantly catalytic inhibition, HMx(Sp<Ca)I
Examples of HMx(Sp<Ca)I
kcat/Km increases as hyperbola
The sought mechanism is:
Hyperbolic mixed, dual modification (activation → inhibition)
Examples of HMxD(A/I)
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